
50 Good Morning Monday Blessings, Images and Greetings to Start Your Week Right

It's Monday morning. Maybe you're already dialed in, full of energy and ready to make…

How to relentlessly pursue your best life this year

To be honest, 2023 has already been one of the best years of my life.…

The Facts Behind ‘Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever’

WWe've all heard the old wives' tales like chewing gum lives in our stomach for…

This is Martha Stewart’s favorite beauty product for women 50+

With the Well+Good SHOP, our editors use their years of knowledge to choose products (from…

Mark Twain’s Top 9 Tips for a Great Life

“It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction must have meaning.” “Let us…

3 simple steps to reinvent your extraordinary life

76% of people die with the same regret. “Not fulfilling their ideal self.” This comes…

March Birthstone: Its Color, Symbolism and Meaning

aAs you move from February to March, you may be longing for a calm and…

Effectiveness, uses and benefits

II've suffered from sunscreen since my mother relentlessly applied heavy, sticky zinc formulas to my…

13 Things to Remember When You Think You’re Not Good Enough

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”Eleanor Roosevelt “You have been criticizing…

Use these affirmations to create a more positive life

What if I told you that the negative thoughts or self-limiting beliefs you have are…

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